notification: Safe Return to the Campuses of Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College Can Be Accomplished Together and by Acting Responsibly


The new academic year 2020–2021 is about to begin at the Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College, and the school’s campuses are open again for studying. Welcome to a new year of learning!

väkijoukko koronavirus

Not this way! Everyone must remember safe and responsible way of acting as well as in school and free time; keep two meters safe distance to other people – among other things those help to stop spreading of COVID-19 virus.

In the autumn of 2020, the teaching at the Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College will, in principle, be provided as classroom teaching. We will take particular care and comply with the guidelines and recommendations of the health and education authorities and the City of Helsinki.

Our goal is that every person who works or studies at the campuses, or visits them, feels safe. In connection with all our operations and facilities, we follow measures aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus. In addition, we constantly monitor the development of the general coronavirus situation and take enhanced safety measures when necessary.

Safe return to campuses

Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College’s key safety measures for preventing spread of coronavirus and minimising the related risk are based on

  1. displayed guidelines and general information at the campuses
  2. good hand hygiene and risk minimisation by enhanced disinfection and cleaning measures
  3. enabling and ensuring of safe distances and solutions related to facility use
  4. utilisation of various learning environments and teaching arrangements
  5. guidance for the right and safe practices.

1. Guidelines for campuses

Each of us plays an important role in and has a responsibility for our common safety. Here are the guidelines for all persons working and studying on and visiting the premises of the Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College:

  •  I will only come to the campus if I am in good health and feeling well.
  • I will travel to school by bicycle or on foot, if possible. I will try to avoid rush-hour buses and trains.
  • I will maintain a safe distance of two metres from other people where possible.
  • I will wash my hands with hot water and soap every time I enter the campus, before eating, when I have, e.g., blown my nose or coughed, and every now and then during the day.
  • I will cough and sneeze into my sleeve and blow my nose into a disposable handkerchief that I will not leave laying around after use but will put in a rubbish bin, instead.
  • I will use hand sanitiser if hand washing is not possible.
  • I will still greet people warmly, but without shaking hands or hugging.
  • When on campus, I will find myself a good place to work with plenty of space. If I work in a room shared with others, I will use the same spot throughout the day.
  • I will clean shared workstations and tools after using them.
  • I will avoid touching door handles and surfaces with my bare hands.
  • I will take account of safe distances in break rooms and during lunch break. I will keep my distance from others when queuing for food and eating.

All members of the Perho community must also act in a safe and responsible manner in their free time outside the school. All persons studying at the Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College must remain in quarantine for two weeks after any trips to countries with a higher coronavirus risk.

We cannot allow any students who ignore these safety guidelines to enter the campus for classroom teaching. Instead, such persons must achieve the learning objectives in alternative ways.

2. Hand hygiene and enhanced disinfection and cleaning measures

Each of us must wash their hands in the nearest toilet immediately after arriving at a campus.

At the Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College, the campus facilities are subject to enhanced cleaning. In connection with cleaning, the cleaners wipe the tables, door handles, and other contact surfaces daily in both working and learning facilities. Toilets are also subject to enhanced cleaning and disinfection.

The campuses are equipped with appropriate hand sanitiser points, which are located by the entrances and in dining rooms and toilets.

3. Enabling and ensuring of safe distances and remote work recommendation

Each person on campus must observe safe distances in classrooms, conference rooms, and offices, as well personnel break rooms and restaurants. This is also emphasised in the guidelines provided for the campuses. The aim is to schedule and stagger the activities so that as few persons as possible use the same facility at the same time.

4. Utilisation of various learning environments and teaching arrangements

Now that learning and teaching continues at the campuses in August, the aim is to engage in these activities in as normal a way as possible – while constantly complying with the above-mentioned safety guidelines. Field-specific instructions on learning arrangements and the utilisation of, e.g., various forms of remote studying and the online campus, will be provided at the beginning of the academic year.

Keep a close eye on our communications! Guidelines and arrangements related to the coronavirus situation may change rapidly.

5. Guidance for the right practices

The guidelines provided above are displayed prominently on our campuses, and they are also available in, e.g., our classrooms and common areas. All members of our personnel provide guidance and help in connection with matters related to the guidelines and set an example by their behaviour.


Coronavirus causes a respiratory infection, the symptoms of which include cough, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath, muscle pain, stomach symptoms, and headache. Students and teachers must not participate in classroom teaching or other activities organised on the school premises if they have symptoms suggesting illness or if they are otherwise unwell.

Other persons working on the school premises or visiting them must not enter the premises either while experiencing symptoms of illness.

If a person becomes ill during the school day, they must exit the school immediately or move to a separate room away from the others. Persons experiencing symptoms must take a coronavirus test on a low-threshold basis.

Safe return to the campuses of Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College can be accomplished together and by acting responsibly – additional information

Juha Ojajärvi, Principal
+358 40 093 9269
juha.ojajarvi (at)

Petri Vainio, Personnel and Communications Manager
+358 50 376 0652
petri.vainio (at)