5. Learn more and participate

Sustainable development GUIDE
Let’s keep on moving!

Great that you are interested in sustainable development and want to know more!

Learn more – links to further information

Sustainable development in Finland

Sustainability in restaurant sector

Protection of biodiversity

Circular economy in practice

The sustainability working group of Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College

The sustainability working group, brought together by the staff and students of the Perho CTBC, is responsible for planning sustainable development activities, setting goals and selecting, implementing and developing annual themes together with other employees and students.

Perho Liiketalousopiston KEKE-tiimi

The sustainability working group is also responsible for Perho CTBC’s self-assessment process of sustainable development, communicating the results and working on the development targets identified in the audit. Team members are selected for one year at a time.

Sustainability working group 2020–2021

Ms Sara Holmila, Public Communicator
+358 (0)40 778 0441
sara.holmila (at) perho.fi

Ms Heidi Hovi-Sippola, Farming Expert
+358 (0)40 150 4252
heidi.hovi-sippola (at) perho.fi

Ms Pauliina Lehtinen, Lecturer/Tourism
+358 (0)40 515 2574
pauliina.lehtinen (at) perho.fi

Mr Jouni Leinonen, Warehouseman/Teaching Restaurant Perho
+358 (0)400 207 329
jouni.leinonen (at) perho.fi

Ms Päivi Miettinen, Lecturer/Maths, Social studies
+358 (0)40 714 4270
paivi.miettinen (at) perho.fi

Ms Katariina Mustonen, Coordinator/OmaUra
+358 (0)43 820 0347
katariina.mustonen (at) perho.fi

Ms Maria Runonen, Sustainable Development Expert
+358 (0)50 5351001
maria.runonen (at) perho.fi

Ms Karla Ruutu, Training Expert, Tourism
+358 (0)400 520 335
karla.ruutu (at) perho.fi

Mr Jarmo Åke, Education Technology Development Manager, Lecturer
+358 (0)40 147 8552
jarmo.ake (at) perho.fi