Sustainable development in education
All our operations emphasise sustainable development, joint responsibility and equality. Responsibility is part of the Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College curriculum and present in a number of ways in the education in various learning environments.

A professional minds responsibility of purchasing and usage of materials, consumption of energy and water as well as recycling and lifecycle of food
Internationalism is a natural part of all our students, taking the form of language and culture courses, on-the-job learning in international locations, multidisciplinary projects and study trips. We also organise international theme days and take part in international competitions. Foreign visitors and exchange student and multicultural student groups help students to obtain facts and skills that are needed in an international world.
Targets by field of study
Students will complete a sustainable development study module, teaching them how to act in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, taking care of life-cycle principles and considering their decisions from ethical viewpoints.
This optional sustainable development course, included in common studies, can be completed online in the “Ympäristöosaava ammattilainen” service. During the academic year 2020/21, we will be able to use the Ammattilaisen kädenjälki (“Professional’s handprint”) service in which students can take sustainable development courses designed for various industries.
Restaurant and catering
We train cooks and waiters skilled in sustainable gastronomy and wild food. They will be able to make wise use of resources from our forests, fields and waters, and act in a way that respects the raw material and nature. Students will pay particular attention to the acquisition and use of raw materials, factors concerning the life cycle of foods and Finland’s high-quality and good-tasting tap water. Students will also learn about international, regional and local foods, not forgetting the food producers.
We train responsible tourism professionals who can develop sustainable tourism services. Students will learn to make responsible choices in all matters related to tourism planning, development and implementation. Students will learn to respect and utilise local resources, choose alternatives that are best in terms of environmental friendliness and take travellers to places where the nature and environment can withstand their impact. Tourism education emphasises forests and Finland’s clean natural waters.

Customer service expert can help also in sustainable products choices
Social and cultural responsibility in teaching
At Perho CTBC, students will learn about regional cultures but also the cultures and habits in other countries. Tourism students practice guiding; restaurant students learn about international tastes; while business students view different cultures from the viewpoint of customer service.
Innovative learning environments
At Perho, sustainable development is integrated with acquisition of know-how through innovative learning environments.
One of the most visible achievements in terms of responsibility consist of establishing the operations in our own field, the Green City Farm in Longinoja, Malmi, Helsinki, and the creation of a centre of excellence for sustainable gastronomy. On the Green City Farm, students can experience first-hand how natural diversity can be maintained, learn about beekeeping and community-supported agriculture.
The field is also a source of raw materials for Perho CTBC’s other learning environment that is based on sustainable development, the Perho Restaurant. Perho Restaurant also includes a composter, and Perho cheesery and brewery.
Our third learning environment is iPerho, our online campus. The online campus ensures that courses can be taken regardless of time and place. They also reduce paper consumption and the need to travel to complete courses.

Green City Farm is a phenomenon based learning environment for students
Perho PRO
Perho PRO is an unit of Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College. It offers further education to companies.
In Perho PRO you can study ravintola-, matkailu- ja liiketoiminnan alojen ammatti- tai erikoisammattitutkintoja joustavasti työn ohessa. Perho PROn järjestää myös Perho Liiketalousopiston työvoimakoulutuksia yhteistyössä TE-palveluiden ja Uudenmaan ELY-keskuksen kanssa.