Pathway Studies at the University of Applied Sciences

University of Applied Sciences Studies as Part of a Basic Degree

As part of your basic degree, you can begin pathway studies at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, which will facilitate and accelerate your transition to university-level studies. You can apply for pathway studies during your basic degree studies. These studies will be included as part of both your basic degree and your future university of applied sciences degree if you are accepted as a degree student at the university.

Requirements for Pathway Studies

  • You are performing well in your vocational basic degree studies.
  • You can take responsibility for your own studies.
  • You are capable of independent and goal-oriented studying.
  • You know how to search for information from books and the internet, and you understand what constitutes a reliable source of information.
  • You have good computer skills and are proficient in using various office programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and online learning environments.

Pathway Studies in the Restaurant Industry

Food Production Management, Bachelor of Hospitality Management

Pathway studies in the restaurant industry allow you to complete the first year of Hospitality Management studies during your secondary-level chef training. After completing the pathway studies, those who graduate as chefs can apply to universities of applied sciences for Food Production Management studies directly as second-year students.

Restaurant Industry Pathway Studies at the University of Applied Sciences – More Information

Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College
Töölö Campus, Perhonkatu 11, FI-00100 Helsinki

Hanna Toivola, Lecturer
040 774 7602
hanna.toivola (at)

Sari Siltala, Lecturer, Career Counsellor
+358 (0)40 773 3678
sari.siltala (at)

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences >>
Taina Pallonen, Guidance Counsellor, Internship Coordinator
Senior Lecturer in Accommodation Business
Master of Arts (education), CHE
Tel. +358 40 488 7171
taina.pallonen (at)