Erasmus+ Value Europe Project

Value Europe Project A.K.A. VEU

Erasmus+ Value Europe Project – Creating an international responsible event for local community. The participating students gain valuable knowledge on Event Production (15 ECTS) and create in English an e-book of event production.

Erasmus+ Value Europe Project

Erasmus+ Value Europe

Project Duration: 1.11.2020–31.10.2023 (schedule of the workshops depending on the corona pan-epidemic situation)
Coordinator: Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College/Finland
Partners: Haaga-Helia Univerisity of Applied Sciences/Finland, Col·legi Badalonés and Estudis d’Hoteleria i Turisme CETT/Spain and Istituto Professionale per I Servizi Alberghieri e della Restaurazione “Luigi Carnacina”/Italy

Description of the project: During the Value Europe project students become experienced learners of planning and setting up a responsible event aimed at the surrounding community and selected high schools. In each workshop an event is set up in one of the participating countries.