notification: After the winter break studies continue with contact teaching


After the winter break (week 8), the Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College will continue with contact teaching and move towards normality according to plans and timetables.

notification: We will gradually return to contact teaching from 26.4.

All study programmes will return in full to contact teaching on Monday, 28 February 2022 after the winter break. Contact teaching lessons on the campuses that have been entered in the timetables will not be available remotely.

It is vital that you attend lessons only if you are in good health.

If you contract Covid or are otherwise ill, contact your career counsellor and ask for instructions. Our guideline is that a student must have been completely healthy and without symptoms for two days before returning to the campus or on-the-job learning place.

Masks still recommended

We will continue to invest heavily in health security and measures to reduce close contact and prevent the spread of the virus on our campuses.

Masks are still recommended in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area for all persons aged 12 and over, regardless of the level of vaccination protection.

We at Perho CTB College also recommend the use of a mask or visor at our campuses.

Perho restaurants

Restaurant Perho in Töölö has normal opening hours, but is only allowed to take in 75% of the customer capacity, in accordance with the current restaurant restrictions. At the moment, customers do not have to present a Covid passport at Restaurant Perho.

Our student and staff restaurant Perhon Herkku in Töölö and Perhon Helmi in Malmi are open normally. By means of timetable and other arrangements, we will try to prevent too many people arriving at the same time, but the busiest time is probably between 11 am and noon.

Helmi Center

Covid restrictions and recommendations regarding sports facilities were lifted on 14 February. Helmi Center is again available to students, staff and clubs, within the normal health and safety regulations.
Opening hours of campus buildings and services

The campus facilities of Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College are open, and campus support services (e.g. guidance and support workshops as well as study office and IT services) are available on both the Töölö and Malmi campuses. In service situations, we take particular care to ensure that they can be handled safely.


International study and business trips are considered case by case. During the spring term, the necessity of each trip and the special arrangements it requires are assessed by our international services. The assessment takes into account the country-specific and internal border controls and entry restrictions implemented by the Finnish government.

Meetings and events

Although there are no longer restrictions on meeting, any public events or bigger meetings at Perho campuses will only be arranged after careful consideration. However, unless there are changes to the restrictions, the dance by the oldest students will be held in May. Likewise, if possible, the graduation party will held at the end of the term.

For further details, contact

Juha Ojajärvi, Principal
+358 (0)40 093 9269

Petri Vainio, Personnel and Communications Manager
+358 (0)50 376 0652