Online learning environment iPerho
iPerho as the third campus of Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College.

iPerho – learning 24/7 anytime anywhere
iPerho acts as the third campus alongside the Töölö and Malmi campuses.
Teachers make extensive use of iPerho to supplement courses and classroom teaching, students have the opportunity to pursue their studies regardless of time and place. This has significantly reduced the need for copying and paper, and also enriched the teaching perspectives and methods.
We are also able to organise events online and participate in international projects with our partner schools without the need to fly abroad.
Virtual classroom brings the group to learn together
All degree programmes have further expanded e-learning opportunities during spring 2020. During this exceptional period, iPerho, and especially the virtual classroom Collaborate, made it possible to continue teaching and other activities. They have been used to have lessons, organise events and competency assessments etc. Even outside any exceptional conditions, business students, for example, can study, with the aid of an online teacher, entire degree modules, making studies more accessible and maybe improve the students’ chances of getting work alongside their studies.