Erasmus+ Value Europe Workshop 2

Students’ Learning experiences were valuable in the Value Europe Project

The Erasmus+ Value Europe project’s workshop number 2 was in Badalona, Spain, on 24th March 2023.

Students’ Workshop Group 3: The Treasure Hunt project presentation:

Finnish, Italian and Spanish students planned and executed together on the 24th of March a sustainable event for local 9th graders in Badalona. The students did the preparatory work on online meetings in the lead of the project’s UAS students.

The teachers and the project coordinators toiled hard, too, during the Erasmus+ Value Europe Workshop week (22.–26.3.2023). They composed an ebook of the Sustainable Event that will be published on the Erasmus+ Results Platform as soon as the project ends.

​​​​​Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College’s students accomplished Tapahtumatuotanto study unit in the project.

Workshop 2 was closed by these international student groups’ final report presentations. In the reports, they evaluated their success according to their self-evaluation and guest feedback.

The visitants and students both valued especially meeting and cooperating with international colleagues. Also, the feedback on the diverse points of view offered tasks on sustainable development and responsibility was very positive.

One of the best prizes of this VEU workshop: students’ courage and self-assurance accumulated patently during it!

Student group 1:

Our event was about tasting different snacks that we brought from our home countries (Italy, Spain, Finland) and how we can still make a fun event without being unfriendly to the environment. We brought paper cups where we put the candies and let the 9th graders try them out.

They had to guess which snack belongs to which country. After guessing we told the correct answers and asked how they felt about the snacks. We told how some of these snacks were vegan and why we were using paper cups instead of plastic cups. Then we gave them a little lecture on how to be more friendly to the environment and how to recycle the cups.

In the end, we just cleaned the space we used from the stuff we left on it.

Guess which snack belongs to which country – Finland, Italy or Spain?

How did you like the activity of ’Candy Rating’?

We had a quiz on which counties the snacks were from. Only two groups guessed it right on all the candies. The other groups almost got the countries right.

Most people enjoyed tasting new flavours.

How nice was it to taste different candies?

Most people liked the Finnish Fazer chocolate. The second liked snack was the Italian cookie Amaretti.  Almost no one liked the Finnish candy Salmiakki because it was strange and too strong flavoured.


We should have

  • told the first group more about sustainability
  • prepare more ideas, even if this one was a good idea
  • get more information about the location so we could prepare better.

What we thought about our project activity

We started seeing each other in online meetings in November, that’s how we initially got to know each other and started planning the event The coordinators gave us an event theme involving “food activity” and how we could make it sustainable.

We then started to come up with some ideas about how we could plan it. We created a WhatsApp group, where we shared our ideas. Then we chose the one that was the best sustainable one.

Brainstorming in Estudis d’Hoteleria i Turisme CETT

When we first met each other in CETT school we could finally talk face to face, which was better than seeing each other on the computer screen We specifically decided on the event and organized it, but there were some complications with event space, but we had to adapt to it.

Fortunately, we created the event really well and with no difficulties, and the guests enjoyed it a lot.

Student group 2:

We chose a Kahoot game, to not waste sheets, and therefore to be sustainable. We didn’t give out prizes like candy because the wrappers are not sustainable, and other groups were already giving out treats.

Kahoot didn’t trash which made it kind of a sustainable activity

We asked the guys:

  • What can you do to be sustainable?
  • Do you use public transport?
  • Do you use a flask for the water?
  • Do you have a separate collection?

Also, the students had a chance to ask questions about the participant countries and we discussed the differences between them. For example, we talked about public transport and recycling in Italy, Finland and Spain.


It’s important to talk about sustainability since it’s about saving our planet. So we asked the students if sustainability is important to them and how much they know about it.


  • Chose less crowded event venue
  • Have more questions in Kahoot
  • More true or false questions, instead of questions with long answers
  • Even more clear roles during the event.

What did we learn about this event?

  • How other people recycle. For example, Finns can return the bottles to the store and get a deposit from it. They get 10-40 cents back.
  • How people use public transportation, for example, many students said they use it a lot. Also, we compared the differences between countries.
  • The visitors learned that sustainability can also be fun, and Kahoot questions were helping them to get more information about it.


We got an overall rating of 4.07 out of 5. 27 people reviewed our event and they said that the task was good.

Wrap up

  • We created some questions online using Kahoot to not waste paper. They had to answer by choosing the correct choice.
  • There were some questions like what sustainability means. or if eating mango is more sustainable than eating an orange? And we also made some true or false questions.
  • After the game, we also asked them some extra questions like: what do you do every day to be sustainable or if they think that talking about sustainability is important and why.
  • They had the opportunity to ask us from Finland and Italy, what we do in our country that is sustainable.

Student group 3:

Originally our idea was to make an educational treasure hunt at the park. We had a game of hangman at the start where the students would get a clue word ”trash can” and the next clue would have been there.

The aim was to build teamwork, teach teamwork and make learning fun.

Look at us! Would you believe, at the start, our teamwork wasn’t the best, but towards the end it was priceless!

The final plan and the execution

We asked four questions about sustainability to the students and they had to answer them. After getting the answers correct we had a game of hangman and we changed the word almost every time. Then they moved on to the treasure hunt where we showed them a picture of the prize that was hidden and they had to go search for it.


  • We learned that we had to be patient and support each other.
  • We had to be flexible because the place of the event was changed many times so our plan of activity had to be changed
  • We learned that it is important to reserve much time for preparation
  • Everyone needs to work as a team and be active to create a successful event.


The location changes complicated our activity a lot and we had to change our plans many times. At the start, our teamwork wasn’t the best but towards the end we got it working very well.

Feedback from students

Results of the questions about sustainability treasure hiders asked the treasure hunters

Our own feedback

We should have had more time to organize and get to know the new location. The whole group thought that it was a good learning opportunity and we had a lot of fun. This was a great experience to understand the importance of sustainable responsibility. It was nice to see that the students enjoyed and were happy with a simple game and treasure hunt.

Suggestions for improvements

  • TIME: In our opinion, the time that we had with the students was not enough to interact with them.
  • ORGANISATION: The students arrived when were preparing all the activities. If the students had arrived later we would have had more time to organize the activities better and make them more efficient.

Follow the Erasmus+ Value Europe Project: @value_europe

Erasmus+ Value Europe Workshop 2 – further information

Erasmus+ Value Europe

Johanna Mäesalu
International Affairs
+358 (0)50 380 5944
johanna.maesalu (at)

Leni Palminkoski-Pihlamo
Lecturer, Marketing
+358 (0)40 714 4274
leni.palminkoski-pihlamo (at)

Value Europe & International Perho CTBC Team logos ©Jonna O.