Restaurant Cook Application Period

English-taught study program

Develop your skills by studying at Perho and become a restaurant professional! Restaurant Cook application period is from 16 September to 31 October, 2019. Student intake is 20.

The English-taught study program is directed to foreigners who already live in Finland as well as Finns without vocational qualification, degree or a study place. Also, if you have work experience in restaurants or you have been an entrepreneur, but lack a vocational qualification, Perho’s Restaurant Cook studies is the right study path for you.

Entrance interview and written test will be held from 20 to 22 of November 2019 at Perho Culinary, Tourism and Business College at Töölö Campus.

Restaurant Cook

Vocational upper secondary qualification in Restaurant and Catering Services

  • competence area in Food Service, Restaurant Cook
  • duration of the studies is approximately 1,5 to 2 years
  • no tuition fee*
  • studies will start in 7 of January 2020.

*In Finland, free education has extended to cover also citizens of other countries.

As a restaurant cook you will prepare various appetizers, entrées and desserts from fresh ingredients and follow recipes as well as mix ingredients and prepare many types of foods using various cooking methods

Choose Your Track!

1/ Restaurant Cook Full-Time Day Program Studies

Finnish Applicants

  • general upper secondary qualifications
  • a sufficient command of the English language

Foreign Applicants

  • sufficient level of previous general upper secondary education
  • a sufficient command of the English language

2/ Restaurant Cook Fast Track Studies

FastApprenticeship or training agreement are the optional english-taught studies for the qualification for Restaurant Cook.

  • you have a working place in a restaurant and your employer is willing to sign an apprenticeship or a training contract
  • duration of the studies is one and a half year

Restaurant Cook Application Period – Further Information

Pia Vainikka, Study Service Officer
pia.vainikka (at)
+358 40 1478 546

Student Affairs Office
hakutoimisto (at)

Opening hours >>

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