Italian Restaurant Cook

Student’s and Career Stories – experiences

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Who #perholainen Restaurant Cook

Michele Cascione
Italian Restaurant Cook student from Apuli, Italy

Italian Restaurant Cook student in Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College

What’s up, MICHELE?

I come from Italy, from the province of Bari in the Apulia Region, Region nestled between the Adriatic Sea and the Ionian Sea. I’ve been living in Finland  for a few years now and I’ve became well aware of the kind of approach and the habits of the Finns towards the kitchen, and more particularly towards the Italian one, how much they appreciate it and remain enthusiastic, referring to classic Italian dishes.

Currently ther are 14 different nationalities in my class, which makes us a proud group. Each of us comes from a different culture, and in our diversity we find the richness and beauty of sharing our time in a daily way at Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College learning from ourselves and from what we create.

Why did you apply to study at Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College?

Since I came to Finland I have been working as a cook. Full-time in the kitchen, more specifically in the kitchen branch of my home country Italy.

Essentially I decided strongly to enter in the culinary studies to deepen the field of cooking in a country like Finland where there is a clear increase in gastronomic level in a profession in which I strongly believe, where the gastronomy before anything else is culture which is transmitted in own dishes.

I knew the importance and relevance of Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College at a national level. Then I noticed the publicity of the course of studies in the metro so I went deeper into the situation and advanced my candidacy. You bet I was extremely happy, when I was selected as a student!

Your Story

I have values and principles that I strongly believe in and I always carry on with me every day. There are essential elements such as interest, curiosity and motivation that are fundamental to growth on everyday work.

At the moment my main activity is strictly focused on the school, in giving the maximum, learning as much as possible and making excellent external training experiences, like the one I will start soon in a very important and renowned Finnish-style restaurant. Can’t wait to start.

I work extra when it happens and I always cultivate my passion for music, I play drums and try to keep myself in training whenever possible. I spend my free time with my good friends and I often go to gigs and events.

Traveling is always a priority when it is possible to do so.

Italian Restaurant Cook – Further Information

Sari Tuovinen, Lecturer
040 147 8544
sari.tuovinen (at)
Customer Service, Tutoring Activities

P.S. I highly recommend you to visit Apulia!