#tunneruokasi feat. Onion

Luomusipulin siemenet laitettiin itämään tänäkin vuonna valoisassa Suomen keväässä. Ennen peltoon istutusta taimet saivat neljän viikon pimennys- eli lyhytpäiväkäsittelyn.

Kesän kynnyksen yli päästyä sipulien taimet istutettiin Green City Farmin pellolle jatkamaan kasvuaan. Pellolla niistä kehittyy rauhassa mutta farmarin valvovan silmän alla ei vain sipuleita tai edes ekologisia sipuleita vaan oikein

ekologisia gourmet-sipuleita!

Green City Farm’s ecological gourmet onions and Green City Farmin personal farmer Steven Lowndes – the stage is yours:

#tunneruokasi #feelthefarm #feelthefood

That Sometimes Happens

It sometimes happens the sun gets fed up to idle conversations and hides upstairs under the lacy crocheted blanket of clouds. It fluffs the pillow and turns over as a farmer keeps on knitting a thick blanket of soil trusting radiation will fall downstairs soon and, it sets fire to the fireplace when it is time the seedlings 

to leave their cradles and move in a patch under the sun – as well as rain and wind; all shifting fellows, those get fed up to idle conversations and hide upstairs under the lacy crocheted blankets of clouds, fluff the pillows, turn over, and shed tears when seeing onions cut that sometimes happens.


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